LCN and Channel Features
LCN stands for "Logical Channel Number" in the context of television broadcasting and tuning. It is a system used to assign a unique numerical value to each TV channel for the purpose of easy identification and navigation.
1. Channel Move: This feature typically allows you to rearrange the order of channels in your TV's channel list. You might be able to move a channel up or down in the list to customize the order in which channels appear when you're browsing through them.
2. Channel Swap: Channel swapping usually refers to the ability to exchange the positions of two channels in your channel list. For instance, if you have Channel A and Channel B, a channel swap would make Channel A occupy the slot that Channel B was in, and vice versa.
3. Channel Skip: Channel skipping often involves setting certain channels to be skipped while using the channel up/down buttons on your remote control. This can be useful if you have channels you don't watch, and you want to quickly navigate through the channels you do watch without cycling through the skipped ones.
4. Channel Edit: Channel editing generally encompasses various actions you can perform on your TV's channels, such as renaming channels, marking them as favourites, setting parental controls, and more. It's a way to customize your channel list to match your preferences.